Thursday 10th May - Saturday 2nd June
Preview Thursday 10th May @ 7-9pm
Gallery opens Fridays and Saturdays 12-5
G126 presents The True Centre is Always New, from material shot in New York, Queensland, Wellington NZ, Donegal and Galway.
There will also be a screening of Vivienne Dick's She Had Her Gun All Ready, a classic No Wave film made in New York in 1978. Lydia Lunch and Pat Place feature in this trash melodrama, which describes a destructive relationship where one character is in thrall to the other.
The film critiques a concept of relationship based on conflict and domination which blights us to this day and which is powerfully exemplified in the 60's rock anthem by ? and the Mysterians - "96 Tears".
Vivienne Dick has been making films and video work since the late seventies. Her work has shown widely at festivals, on television and at many international museums.
Times of screenings of She Had Her Gun All Ready (28m) will be listed on the website. This film along with other early work, Guerillere Talks and Staten Island, will shortly be available on dvd, distributed by Lux.
More information on Viviennne Dick's work is available on