As part of the current Making Visible exhibition by artist Ceara Conway, 126 are delighted to present Vigil - a series of vigils and discussions held in light of those currently living within the Direct Provision system, from Monday 7th – Friday 11th of April, 6pm- 7pm at 126 Gallery.
Monday 7th: Senator, Trevor O Clochartaigh.
Tuesday 8th: Representing Testimony in contempoary art.
Wednesday 9th: Singing workshop with Veronika Ncube
- Maintaining the soul, songs and singing in times of upheaval.
Thursday 10th: Dr Jenny Dagg
- The fragility of migrants living within Direct Provision centres in Ireland.
Friday 11th: Adedotun Adekeye
- Life after papers and the difficulties of accessing education for asyum seekers.
FREE and OPEN to the public: Your participation is most welcome!
Making Visible - showcases a series of performances that have been created through a process of engagement, during 2013, between artist Ceara Conway and 'Able Women', a group of women who are currently seeking asylum in Ireland and residing in Galway City.
This commission is supported by the Arts Council’s Artist in the Community Scheme and managed by CREATE.

Image credit : Ceara Conway
Ceara Conway is an artist and singer from the Connemara Gaeltacht in the west of Ireland.Since 2001 she has been commissioned to create an extensive number of large scale public art commissions nationally and internationally including ''Vicissitudes" (2013) commissioned by 'Difference Exchange' and the Derry City of Culture and her most recent work ''Making Visible" (2013- 14) supported by the Irish Arts Council managed by CREATE.
Ceara's practice utilises a wide range of materials and approaches including sculpture, photography, performance and song to produce multi disciplinary, site and issue specific works.
She has received several Awards and Bursaries from the Arts Council, Ealain na Gaeltachta and County/City Arts Offices. In 2012 she received a Paul Brady Scholarship from the World Academy of Music University of Limerick.
Her most recent 2014 works include.
A residency with Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum/Atlas Arts Commissioned by Broad Reach: An ATLAS Arts ; Solo Performance for the National Gallery of Ireland for their 150th Anniversary.