50/50 art.sale
EIGHT Bar & Restaurant
11th - 29th July 2012
Opening reception: Wed 11th July, 7pm

Installation: Jasmin Finn | Image credit: Ruth Le Gear
50/50 art.sale
126 is delighted to present: '50/50' an exhibition of art works kindly donated by the 126 membership to help raise funds for the gallery's annual operational costs and extensive visual arts programme.
Eight Bar and Restaurant once again lends its fantastic support to 126 by hosting the exhibition during the busy festive period of 11th - 29th July. '50/50' offers a great opportunity to purchase artwork from an exciting range of emerging and established artists based both nationally and internationally, while at the same time generously helping to support 126's activities in the coming year.
We would like to thank all the artists who have submitted works for the exhibition to date, and we will continue to collect work up until Saturday 7th July.
Submissions can be delivered to the gallery during opening hours (1pm - 6pm, Wed - Sat) up until 6pm on Saturday 7th July. Please include your name, title of work and price guidleine (€100 max) with each submission. Please remember to take into consideration that it is a group exhibition and that space is limited, so very large works may not be accepted. All sales will be split 50/50.
We hope you will join us at the opening reception on July 11th at 7pm in Eight Bar & Restaurant, Dock Rd, Galway.
Thank you for your support!
126 Board
-- 126, Artist-run Gallery plays an important role as the only permanent space in Galway that allows artists to experiment and take risks with their practice. 126 is Galway's and the west of Ireland’s first artist-led exhibition space. 126 was established in 2006 by local artists in their own living room as a response to the urgent need for more non-commercial gallery spaces in Galway. 126 shifted locations to a white-cube space and invited local artists to form a Board based on the successful democratic style of Catalyst (Belfast) and Transmission (Glasgow). In 2009, 126 relocated to a larger, more prominent space on Queen Street in the city centre, where we remain to this day.
126 has developed a reputation as an organisation which supports traditionally unrepresented artistic projects. We have consistently programmed work that other organisations and commercial galleries within Galway and western Ireland’s cultural infrastructure may find difficult. Because we are a not-for-profit, publicly funded gallery space, we are able to make decisions on an artistic, rather than economic, basis. As such, 126 is gaining recognition and support as a place of cultural innovation in Ireland and is quickly becoming an integral part of Galway’s cultural fabric.
126 is kindly supported by the Galway City Council, the Arts Council and its membership.
www.126.ie www.eight.ie