G126 presents:
The Irish Artist-Led Archive
The 'Irish Artist-led Archive - Sustainable Activism and the Embrace of Flux' is a curated archival project and touring exhibition that seeks to publicly present the rich history of Irish artist-led cultural Initiatives that have taken place over the past 30 years. The project forms an on-going investigation into artist-led initiatives in Ireland and aims to decipher the kind of cultural conditions that led to their birth, their economic independence (or lack of), their organizational structures and how all of these factors effected their activities and life spans.
The project uses a variety of live archiving strategies to initiate dialogue and debate into artsit-led culture. Methods in collecting information include live presentations, roundtable discussions, performance art works and word of mouth. Through the process of dialogue and exchange artist-led groups will have the freedom to continually develop and be involved in an evolving representation of their activities, rather than presenting a fixed definition of themselves within a permanent archive.
Over the course of 2007 and 2008 the project will be involved in many live events across Ireland and the archive and concurrent exhibition will tour to various art centres and spaces in Ireland. It is envisioned that this archive will be infinitely malleable and continue to evolve and change form according to the environment it finds itself in. As a traveling "housing of information" this archive will attempt to initiate and inform interest in artist-led culture in localized contexts by providing a national and international context for such activities.
The ALA website will continue grow to form an online resource and directory of artist-led culture in Ireland.
We are currently seeking out any information/memories of any artist-run collectives, co-operatives, projects, galleries, publications, project spaces from approx 1970 -present, from both North and South of the border. Even if you were not part of such initiatives but have some memories of them we would be pleased to hear from you . Likewise if you have any writings or relevant information that you feel could contribute to the project or would like to take part in, or initiate an event please contact: info@theartistledarchive.com
G126 will be hosting the ALA for the next few months. The archive is being housed in our office and is available to view by appointment or during regular gallery hours. Th-Sat, 12 - 5pm